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God always answers our prayers:    Sometimes His answer is: Yes.    Sometimes His answer is: No.    Sometimes His answer is: Wait. Sometimes His answer is simply: Wait.  
Jesus walked upon the water and also calmed the stormy wind and sea:

Use the On-Line Bible above to read about these miracles in:
Matthew 14:22-33

In all circumstances, good and bad times, we stay focused on Jesus and no on the problem. Peter took his eyes off Jesus, looking at the surrounding stormy and ....... whooosh, fear and doubt rushed in. Consequently he lost the courage he initially had step out into the deep in his quest to go to Jesus, where he knew he would be safe:

Now paralyzed with terror, all he could do was call out to Jesus to come and save him.
Further, due to his loss of focus, faith and hope Jesus, was that he also got a dunking into the sea and I think therefore unnecessarily wet.
When we focus on our problems, they can become distorted, seem bigger than they are, seeming insurmountable. Hope is being eroded. We will then become tired, unable to think rationally or be depressed to the point of being crippled with fear and dysfunctional.

If we remember to look to Jesus, particularly through prayer and have faith in his being present with us in our time of need. Focusssed on Jesus, we are enable to focus our minds in prayer to ask Him to make a way out of our circumstances. He will strengthen and help us. Sometimes, just to say in prayer Help me Lord, Help me Jesus may be all we can manage. But we have been able to reach out to Him, instead of just trying to engineer our way out of a problem.

Jesus at Bathtime!

                     This always makes me laugh. I hope you too.

1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil:
which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith,
and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


This is so far from the perfect world and people God created.
Using the on-line Bible look up Genesis 1-11:
This records Eve and Adams's disobedience to and lack of trust in God.
Eve's listening to Satan's, cunning and lying undermining of God's perfectly good intentions for His children, led to the current state of the world:

This is because sin came into the world through one man Adam and Eve and it and they were perfect no more.

The Fall of Mankind is what happened: Disobedience to God is rebellion and instantly they fell out of the realm of eternal time where they easily connected and communed with Father God and fell into the realm of limited time!
In other words they would eventually die.

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